What can I do for you?

Comprehensive digital services to elevate your business

From content creation to digital strategy, I offer tailored solutions to meet your unique needs

My professional goal is to create and improve the professional websites of my clients. With more than seven years of experience in the field, I employ best practices and choose the most effective and affordable solutions for all my projects. I avoid charging for unnecessary items, ensuring there are no bad surprises.


Content Development

SEO-optimized content, video content creation, increase engagement, boost traffic, content marketing

I specialize in creating SEO-optimized texts and videos that significantly increase engagement and traffic. By understanding your audience and utilizing the latest SEO techniques, I ensure your content not only attracts visitors but also converts them into loyal customers.

Website Management

Corporate website redesign, e-commerce implementation, online presence, user experience

Managing and redesigning corporate websites is essential for staying relevant in the digital age. I provide comprehensive website management services, including e-commerce implementation, to enhance your online presence and improve user experience.

Social Media Strategy

Optimized content, engagement strategy, social media platforms, content scheduling

Creating content optimized for social media platforms is crucial for effective engagement. I develop comprehensive social media strategies that include content creation, scheduling, and analysis to maximize your reach and engagement on platforms like Facebook and Instagram.

Digital Strategy

Communication strategy, collaborative platforms, team efficiency, digital transformation

Developing digital communication strategies and managing collaborative platforms are key to improving team efficiency. I help businesses create and implement effective digital strategies that enhance communication and streamline processes.

Your project



Contact and Consultation

If you want to create or enhance your digital presence, the first step is to contact me. Once you do, please provide as many details as possible.

What is your business? What are your needs and goals? What is your budget and deadline? This preliminary information is essential for understanding the project. You can provide this information by emailing me at antonio@antoniopolato.com, using the contact form at the bottom of this page, or filling out the form while booking a free consultation by clicking the button in the bottom right corner of this page.

During the initial consultation, I will understand the client’s vision, goals, and target audience, as well as discuss design preferences, functionality requirements, and budget.



Once I’ve understood your needs, I’ll take a few days to prepare an accurate, no-obligation quote. You can then decide whether to accept it or not, but please let me know your decision, whatever it may be. Don’t ghost me! 😀



If you accept the proposal, I will conduct in-depth research and analysis to understand your competitors, perform SEO keyword research, and discover market trends and audience behavior.

With this information, I’ll be able to prepare a detailed project plan with timelines, a sitemap with wireframes, and a content strategy.



In this phase, I will create low-fidelity wireframes for all major pages for your review and approval.

Next, I will create high-fidelity design mockups for desktop and mobile. The design iterations will be based on your feedback. Once you approve the designs, I will finalize them.


Development and Testing

Once we have the design, it’s time to set up the development environment. I’ll configure your domain name and professional email (if you don’t have them already) and the CMS WordPress.

Then I’ll convert the designs into a responsive website. My mockups are designed to be functional, so once you approve the design and content, your website will be online in a few days.

In this phase, I will also conduct cross-browser and device compatibility testing, functional testing, and SEO optimization to ensure your site can be found on search engines like Google.



With everything ready, we will deploy the site to the live server. After that, I’ll perform final site verification and performance checks.

Post-launch, I will monitor the site for any issues and provide initial support and training.


Post-Launch (Ongoing)


Once your website is online, it’s not advisable to say goodbye. The best practice is to perform monthly maintenance and updates.

Additionally, we should continually refine the SEO and content strategy. To maintain search engine visibility, it’s necessary to post regular content updates and conduct SEO performance reviews and adjustments.